· By Ray Schwab
My Morning Ritual - @healthy_ballerina's Turmeric Overnight Oats & Yoga
Alex Liz Pullen (@healthy_ballerina) is a Los Angeles-based professional ballerina turned wellness activist.
This is her Morning Ritual.
My schedule is different every day, but I always make sure I start it with a relaxing morning. Even if I have to get up early for work, a workout, or an event—I’ll get up extra early just to have a leisurely morning. My morning sets the tone for my whole day, so I always make an effort to make it count. If I start the morning stressed out, rushing, and running late, I’ll be on edge for a better part of the morning and it’ll even trickle in to the rest of my day. I ALWAYS make time for breakfast. Eating a nourishing and nutrient-rich breakfast sets you up for a day of healthy eats.
If I know I’m not going to get a workout in until later in the day, I like to go for a light walk/jog to get some Vitamin D and get my legs moving. We really spend so much time sitting down in our day-to-day lives. Whether it’s at a desk at work, sitting in class, at a coffee shop blogging, sitting in LA traffic, or catching up with friends over dinner…it’s a lot of sitting. I try and counteract that with staying active and walking whenever possible. I don’t always wear a step tracker (it makes me a bit neurotic to get my steps in), but I like to feel like I’m hitting the 10,000 steps a day bracket at least. That means opting to walk when I can, and going for a walk in the morning if I can squeeze it in. It can be as short as 10 minutes—I just like to get my body moving when I first wake up.
Some days, I’ll opt for yoga instead. I’ll either find a spot on my walk to do some yoga flows, or I’ll go out on my balcony and put on a Udaya guided yoga video or just do my own thing. It’s not a “work out,” it’s just moving and listening to what my body needs and it feels amazing. My balcony is my favorite space in my little world. It’s small, only big enough to fit my yoga mat. It’s super private but I still feel like I’m outside, and it’s the most amazing feeling to roll out of bed and just start stretching outside on my balcony. It can even be something as simple as a meditation with a couple sun salutations. For me, this practice just serves as a moment of stillness before the craziness of the day ensues.
After moving my bod, I make breakfast and coffee. Lately I’ve been loving the combo of my Bulletproof Coffee & Turmeric Overnight Oats (see below). If I don’t have any obligations until later in the day, I’ll skip my at-home practice and head to Hot 8 (my favorite Hot Yoga studio) after eating breakfast. Every day is different, but one thing that remains the same is my morning routine. After showing myself love with some movement and a nourishing breakfast, I’m ready to tackle the day ahead.
Turmeric Overnight Oats:
- 1/2 cup oats
- 1 cup Almond milk
- 1 scoop Vital Proteins vanilla whey,
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1tsp The Natural Citizen Digest
- 1 tsp Gaia Herbs Turmeric Restore (this AMAZING blend of Turmeric, black pepper, vanilla, and chai spice)
- ½ tsp Gaia Herbs maca
Mix all ingredients in a mason jar and store overnight in the fridge!
Instagram: @healthy_ballerina
Website: alexlizpullen.com
Weekends are for Waffles Dolman Tee: HERE.