· By Thom cat
Doug the Pug: King of Pop Culture and Lover of Food (Mostly Pizza and Donuts)
Being owners of a couple of pugs and avid users of Instagram, it didn't take long for us to stumble across Doug the Pug. The Nashville native is an internet sensation, winning the hearts of over 9 million followers across his social media with his light-hearted and pop culturally relevant photos.
Besides being a New York Times Best Seller, his spoof videos of Stranger Things, Beauty & The Beast, and Spider-Pug, to name a few, have been featured on NBC's The Today Show and all over the internet / social media with over 1 Billion Facebook Video views. Doug has been the star of music videos by Fall Out Boy and Joe Jonas' new group DNCE. He even has a new coloring book out... what doesn't this six-year-old pug do?!
See more of his videos on Youtube.
Follow @itsdougthepug on Instagram.
And give him a like on Facebook!
Pizza Bikini: HERE.
Over Worked Under Caffeinated Mug: HERE.