By Stephen Thompson

Food Photography Workshop in Austin TX with Ashleigh Amoroso

Austin Food Photography ATX Texas

Our photographer, Ashleigh Amoroso, is hosting a Food Photography / Foodstagram Learnshop in her hometown of Austin, TX on November 14th from 2-4 pm at Urban Co-Labs (12th and Chicon).

This class is for everyone, from food bloggers to restaurant / bakery / cafe owners to anyone who has ever taken a photo of their meal before they ate it. Ashleigh will help you translate any delicious meal into photograph with her tips and tricks for food styling, shooting, and editing. Create the perfect food photos for your instagram, blog, or just humble brags that'll have your friends drooling.

Food will be provided (can we get a collective, "hell yeah?") in areas to practice styling & setting the scene, playing with lighting, and possibly even some snackage if your peers don't get too handsy!

Bring any camera, even just a phone, and pen and paper. Oh and don't forget your tickets HERE.

Austin Food Photography ATX Texas