By Stephen Thompson

Death Wish Coffee Co.

Deathwish Coffee Roasters - The World's Strongest Coffee

It is no secret that we love coffee. During the week when we head into the office, we usually have gone with cheap, random Keurig K-Cups from Amazon since time is limited and work must be done. While the issue of time is solved, the end product is typically pretty watered down.

Deathwish Coffee RoastersOur new friends over at Death Wish Coffee Co. in Upstate NY have answered our prayers and solved both of our problems. They have crafted the world's strongest coffee. It has twice the amount caffeine of an average cup! It is available in whole bean, ground, and "death cup", ps - a way more bad ass name for the k-cup.

Death Wish Coffee Co

The "Death Cup" is strong yet very smooth. It has great flavor and not bitter or acidic. Best part is it definitely gets you up for a work day. Despite the name, you won't die. Actually according to a recent Harvard study, those who drank 3-5 cups of coffee a day actually had a 15% lower risk of premature death than those who didn't drink coffee.

Death Wish Coffee Co.

Their coffee is fair-trade, USDA Organic, all natural, and even kosher. They also offer "Barrel Brand" which infused spirits with coffee beans that age inside oak barrels from four flavor profiles including whiskey, rye, rum, and wine before roasting.

Death Wish Coffee Co. gets us. Go shop their coffee HERE and follow them on Instagram, @deathwishcoffee.