By Thom cat

PRESS: Lasagna Del Rey one of NYLON's 12 OF-THE-MOMENT Tees

Pyknic's Lasagna Del Rey Shirt Featured on

When we are developing ideas for new Pyknic designs and goods here, I think the dream end goal is being able to create something timeless. The true measure of success, to me at least, is creating something that will transcend a point in time. Take Seinfeld for example. It first aired in 1989 (when the "world wide web" was first created) and it is still both popular and culturally relevant today.

Of course while the mission, not everything we think up is special enough to have that type of longevity even though, I can promise, it always comes from a good place. Some stuff we think up won't even leave the ground. There is a digital folder, or two, of unused final versions of artwork that will never see the light of day. More tangibly, I have notebooks, paper bills, and napkins full of serial killer-esque sketches archived.

At the other end of this spectrum, there are things that are "of-the-moment" as NYLON defines it. Self-explanatory. Our intention was never to create something that would pander to trends or fads. But if one of our goods is deemed good enough to be representative of this current climate we're at now culturally by a relevant publication such as NYLON Magazine, I'll embrace that... especially due to the fact that we're giving LASAGNA a bigger platform, a dish totally underrated in the food community at this point in time. Your welcome Lasagna.