· By Stephen Thompson
Pancakes Please!
You are most likely seated if you are at the computer but if you are reading this on the phone, you may want to take a seat. I am going to be completely candid, as a kid I wasn't a fan of breakfast *gasp*. Maybe it was a string of vomiting issues at Denny's to the point they probably had a photo of my face along with a note "don't allow this kid to eat here", that did me in?
Not sure why exactly but if the family was at a diner (not Denny's... I grew up in N.J. so we were full of amazing diners) I'd always opt for the lunch menu no matter what the hour. Even though there were hardly ever any foods I would turn down, besides breakfast obviously, my tastes have matured and evolved with time.
A stack of fluffy, homemade pancakes covered with blackberries, powered sugar, and dripping in syrup mean a lot more to me than the taste or the beauty on its surface. To me, "pancakes" mean family since not many are taking the time to just make a whole stack for themselves. It means the comfort of taking my time on weekend mornings with my wife to prepare the breakfast and enjoying it alongside her and our two pugs, Duncan and Sirius Black. Now I'll never skip a weekend breakfast.
Get the Pancakes Please Tee HERE.
Photo: ashleigh amoroso.